Day 34, Mon 23rd July. 52-11N, 137-41W. Daily Run: 112 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 400 NM to go

Day 34, Mon 23rd July. 52-11N, 137-41W. Daily Run: 112 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 400 NM to go A disappointing 24hr run of just 112 NM, I had hoped for more, as we had passed the top of the high, but that was an illusion, the high has moved east and … Continue reading Day 34, Mon 23rd July. 52-11N, 137-41W. Daily Run: 112 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 400 NM to go